Bizarreta Jatetxea
Restaurant Bar

Request our take away dishes
We take all the necessary measures to make your stay with us as safe as possible:
- We have gel for customer use
- We disinfect the tables after each use
- Utensils and dishes are washed at 60 degrees
- The toilets are exterior and are disinfected 6 times a day
- Your order is delivered from the window prepared for this purpose, so that the waiter minimally invades your living space
- Our menu is in Qr code so we dispense with paper
It is the least recommended option, but if you cannot do it in another way, we ask you to try to give the exact amount. We disinfect the money at the end of the day
You can make the payment through the telephone number 615 79 98 87
- In concept put the number of the ticket
- Wait for confirmation from our staff before leaving the table.
Credit card
No minimum amount
Please help us organize our dining room well by reserving a table before 1:00 p.m. (for lunch) and until 8:00 p.m. for dinner.
Thanks for helping us!!!
Bizarreta Jatetxea, Urezarantza Bidea 15 bis. Camping Arrien,
48630 Górliz